Sri Sri Radha Rasa SudhanidhiThe following text has been initially written by Ram das Prabhu end of December 2013 along with the MP3 recordings and was slightly edited by Nanda Kishor das for public usage. If you’re inspired to take part in the transcription efforts, please get in touch. More details below.

These lectures took place in Munger Mandir starting Nov 2, 2013 and are continuing every morning until Dec 26 and after that. The topic is the book Radha Rasa Sudhanidhi by Srila Prabhodananda Saraswati with the commentaries of Ananta das Babaji. A devotee (usually Ram das) is reading the verse and commentary and Sadhu Maharaja is giving his realizations.

We have set up a transcription group in Vrindavan (and abroad) consisting of Vaisnava Maharaja, Dau Dayal Prabhu, Madhavendra Puri Prabhu, Amala Prabhu, Anjali Didi, Ram das Prabhu and others.

We came to the conclusion that we want „substance over form“, meaning better to keep the original language of Sadhu Maharaja than to make an elaborate high English out of it, in order to keep the sweetness and original tone. Substance means we are more interested in the content and the rasa than the correct form. „So the shower of rasa can flow. We go near to the sweetness. Then Radha and Krishna will shower us. Automatically roughness will go.“ (Sadhu Maharaj, morning lecture, File: 006 Sadhu Maharaj 06.11.13 10_06.mp3, 0:33 h)

Please keep in mind that Sadhu Maharaja is going into the lila. Try to do the same by deeply meditating about what is told in the text. So this seva of transcribing will give you high benefit.

The following workflow is desired

  1. raw transcription
  2. double check of the raw version
  3. editing of the raw version
  4. double check of the edited version
  5. proof reading

The raw transcription should be completely literal, exactly what Maharaja is speaking even if he does any language mistakes, no matter. Also the questions and answers of the listeners and the reading of the book should be transcribed literally.

You can leave out interruptions that are not related to the class, like organizational things when workers come in or phone calls received by Sadhu Maharaja. Hindi speaking usually refers to non-class issues. Please note down the parts you didn‘t transcribe by writing down beginning and end time and what was the subject.

Whatever you don‘t understand either accustically or with regard to the content, please mention the time spot.

The raw transcription will be the reference for the further editing and also for translations into other languages. Later it may be valuable for textcritical studies and scientific research.

The raw version should not change anything what Sadhu Maharaja said.

Long readings of the book can be left out because we can copy it from the book, which is much easier. Please write down beginning and end time of the parts you left out so that we can add the parts. Readings of single sentences or short sequences, please transcribe.

Please write down who is speaking (Sadhu Maharaja, Ram das (the reader), devotee (asking or commenting).

Just write plain text, no formating or layout. Use the rtf- or txt-mode for saving, so that we are sure to be compatible.

Organisation of the team

Please get in touch with Ram das at ram(at)gopi(dot)de about which lecture you transcribe to avoid double work.

We have a list with all the contributers to make sure that we are effective and no work is wasted. The monitoring will be done by Ram das (Germany).

Start with a header in red color like this:

Name of transcriber:
Function: (raw version / double check raw version / etc.)

Use of Dropbox

The Dropbox is a online-storing space for data and works like a folder on your computer. This means, when you move the file by mouse to another folder, it will disappear in the Dropbox. Please always use the copy-paste-function so that the original mp3 remains in the folder.

Thank you for your service!

your servant
Ram das

Categories: Articles


Nanda Kishor das · June 18, 2014 at 11:14 pm

Here’s a little update from June 9, 2014 on the transcription project from Ram Prabhu:

Dear devotees,

after some time I want to give you an update of the work on the book with the lectures of Sadhu Maharaja where you all took part in one way or another.

We have already transcribed 34 lectures, from no. 1-38. The lectures 5, 15, 16 and 25 are not completed yet.
We are working on the double check of the lectures where we have completed no. 1-12. And we did final editing of no. 4 and 10.

38 lectures are already far enough for one book. So we may be able to publish it if it will be finished.

Sadly in the meanwhile nearly everybody faded out and snoozed away. We are only two or three people continuing. So please help. We want to go through the lectures in a double check to make sure that we have no mistake in the transcription.

After that the final editing will be done.

Would be great to hear from you!
Please serve 🙂

Ram das

Roxy Pratibah Dasi · June 19, 2014 at 12:05 am

Dear friends, Radhe Radhe I am a new devotee in the U.S. I would like to help anyway I can. I was not part of these lectures. I am willing to serve happily with.
Radhe Radhe,
Pratibah Dasi

Tarun Govinda · June 23, 2014 at 2:29 pm

Radhe Radhe!

Please write an e-mail to Ram das under “” and offer your service.

Tarun Govinda das

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