Please get in touch with the contact indicated next to each event, to confirm the date, time and location! If no location is indicated, this means that no program has been fixed yet. We’re going to update this list as often as possible.

Sadhu Maharaja in Wahlwies/Germany 2010
- May 30, Mannheim/Germany Location: Moksha Yoga Center R7,40 – 18:30 Contact: Jahnava, 0049 177 5689158,
- May 31, Nürtingen/Germany Location: Monica Allgeyer, Heinrich-Hertzstr. 3 – 18:00 Contact: Ma Prembhakti, 0049 1799748253,
- June 1, Heidelberg/Germany Location: Yoga Zentrum, Bergheimerstr. 125 – 19:00 Contact: Jahnava, 0049 177 5689158,
- June 2, Karlsruhe/Germany Location: Yoga Vidya, Rheinstr. 44 – 17:30 Contact: Jahnava, 0049 177 5689158,
- June 3, Frankfurt/Germany Location: Hauptstrasse 63a, 63755 Alzenau Contact: Karuna, 0049 6023320367 / 15156375457,
- June 5, Abentheuer/Germany Location: Goloka Dhama Contact: Suniti, 0049 6553867675 / 1785437042,
- June 6, Nideggen/Germany Location: Libergstrasse 23, 52485 Embken Contact: Madhuri, 0049 2425205320 / 2028982647,
- June 7, Eitorf/Germany Location: Altenheim Schloss Merten, 53783 Eitorf – 15:00 Contact: Asanga + Sudevi, 0049 2243 845 166,
- June 10-11, Oslo/Norway Contact: Gopika, 0047 95059504 / 45027418,
- June 14, Göteborg/Sweden Location: Varsana near Gränna Contact: Pran Gopal, 0046 39030509,
- June 16-18, Berlin/Germany Location: Kuruksetra Tempel, Invalidenstr. 145 – 18:30 Location: Haladara, 0049 303 8106222/28388297,
- June 19, Wroclaw/Poland Location: Wroclaw – 18:00 Contact: Sridhar Maharaja, 0048790769845 / 0046520441027,
- June 20, Rzeszorw/Poland Location: Rzeszorw – 17:00 Contact: Sridhar Maharaja, 0048790769845 / 0046520441027,
- June 21, Wroclaw/Poland Location: Wroclaw – 17:00 Contact: Sridhar Maharaja, 0048790769845 / 0046520441027,
- June 23-25, Hungary Contact: Thirtha Maharaja, 0036 309597450,
- June 26, 27, Vienna/Austria Location: Hermalserhauptstrasse 37/21, 1117 Wien Contact: Radha shakti, 0043 6643697933,
- June 30, Graz/Austria Location: Schutzengelpfarre Eggenberg Graz – 17:00 Contact: Shyama priya, 0043 316587531,
- July 1, Kapfenberg/Austria Location: Anton Mühlbacherstr. 18, 8605 Kapfenberg Contact: Prabhupada kripa, 0043 6645230186 / 386226567,
- July 3, Hallein/Austria Location: Salzachtalstrasse 4, 5400 Hallein Contact: Yashoda Ma, 0043 522356222,
- July 4, Hall/Austria Location: Purnerstrasse 6, 6060 Hall in Tirol Contact: Kamalanat, 0043 522356222,
- July 6, Rosenheim/Germany Location: Yogazentrum Giessereistr. 6-8, Rosenheim – 19:30 Eintritt 10€ bitte anmelden! Contact: Lalit Madhav + Priyanka, 0049 803133610,
- July 8, Bruneck/Italy Location: Ausserragen 3, 39031 Bruneck – 16:00 Contact: Karuna Mayi, 0039 347 9483603,
- July 11, Terni/Italy Location: Sringar Vat Contact: Sanatani, 0039 3209058550,
- July 12, 18:00h, Terni/Italy Location: Cultural Center “Vrinda” Contact: Rasa Lila, 0039 3807930918
- July 13, Terni/Italy Location: Bhakti Ashram / Sant’Ersamo – Cesi Contact: Sridhar Maharaja, 0039 3200712173,
- July 14-15, Rome/Italy Location: Isodyan Contact: Mahapurusa, 0039 3388808200
- July 16-20, Ticino/Switzerland Location: Ananda Dhama, Contact: Krishna Candra, 0041 91 7961094,
- July 20-22, Wahlwies/Germany Location: Im Winkel 12, 78333 Stockach-Wahlwies – 19:00 Programm, tagsüber Satsang Contact: Hamsaduta priya, 0049 7771 61240,
- July 22 at 18h30, Zürich/Switzerland Location: Yoga Joy Studio, Riedtlistr. 27, 8006 Zürich Contact: Kalindi, 0041 44 7643840,
- July 23 through 25 during the day, Kappel/Switzerland Private satsang with Sadhu Maharaja by appointment
- July 24 at 18:00h, Kappel/Switzerland Location: Kappelermatte 8, 8926 Kappel am Albis Contact: Kalindi, 0041 44 7643840,
- July 25 at 19:00h, Oberwil-Lieli/Switzerland Location: Birmensdorferstrasse 18, 8966 Oberwil-Lieli Contact: Govinda, 0041 566310672 / 0041 787581354
- July 26 at 18:00h, Wauwil, Switzerland Location: Engelberg 7, 6242 Wauwil – 18:00 Contact: Subal, 0041 41 9204868,
- July 28 – August 4, Dole/France Location: Contact: Krishna Candra and Kalindi, 0041 44 7643840,
- August 4-8, Sofia/Bulgaria Contact: Ram vijay, 0035 9888373585,
Dieser Artikel ist nur auf Englisch verfügbar.
Brigitte Sailer · May 28, 2012 at 4:47 pm
Hallo zusammen, vor zwei Jahren war ich mit unserem Yogalehrer Madhuha Brünjes in Vrindaben in euren Zentrum, da Sadhu Maharaja im Moment auf Tour ist im Germany wollte ich fragen wann er in unsere Gegend am Bodensee kommt?
Über eine Antwort würde ich mich sehr freuen.
Namaste und alles Gute auf seiner Reise durch unser Land
In Liebe und Verbundenheit Biggi
Nanda Kishor · May 28, 2012 at 11:03 pm
Liebe Biggi, du musst auf die englische Version des Artikels wechseln, dann findest du das Datum für den Satsang in Wahlwies am Bodensee:
Radhe Radhe!
Suniti · June 11, 2012 at 1:17 pm
Die Gemeinschaft mit Sadhu Maharaja ist erhaben und erhebend. Nach einer gemeinsamen Woche mit ihm schweben wir noch. Er ist eine Manifestation der
Gnadenenergie des Guru Tattva, ein Repräsentant Nityanandas. Ohne Unterschiede
segnet er die Lebewesen auf ihrere jeweiligen Ebene…taking us higher and higher.
Danke , Sadhu Maharaja für deine Gemeinschaft! Danke Radharani für Dich!