Sadhu Maharaja visiting Europe in Winter 2009/2010 Sadhu Maharajas Europabesuch Winter 2009/2010

Various devotees have been so lucky as to spend a couple of weeks or months even with Sadhu Maharaja during the holy month of Kartik in Munger Mandir in Vrindavan, India. For those who did not have the chance to go to India this time, we have good news! Sadhu Maharaja is coming to Europe end of 2009! Here are the dates and locations (subject to change): Sunday, December 27, 5pm Offene Tür, Jupiterstrasse 42, Read more…

Important extract from Vilapa-kusumanjaliWichtiger Auszug aus dem Vilapa-kusumanjali

Sadhu Maharaja wants to share (via Kalindi) the following important extract from Vilapa-kusumanjali by Raghunatha dasa Goswami, verse 60-61, page 235, purport by Ananta Dasa Babaji Maharaja, translated by Advaita dasa: “Sri Rupa Manjari and Tulasi serve Svamini day and night, acoording to the time. They are primarily interested in service, and relishing Svamini’s form, qualities and pastimes comes afterward. They serve her both in meeting and in separation from Krishna. The premika sevika always Read more…

Who spent Kartik in Vrindavan and/or Munger Mandir?Wer hat Kartik in Vrindavan und/oder im Munger Mandir verbracht?

Check out our two latest photo albums with many sweet pictures from Govardhana Puja and Dipavali celebrated at Munger Mandir, Sadhu Maharaja’s family temple in Vrindavan/India. If you happen to stop by on this web site and have been at Munger Mandir during Kartik, please feel free to drop us some lines as a comment to this post. C’mon don’t be miserly, share some of that nectar now!Dieses Posting ist für alle, die während Kartik Read more…