Sadhu Maharaja has arrived in Albany, New York on May 13. He will be in the US until May 24 and then on to Peru and Ecuador before returning to Miami on June 22 for more programs in Boston, NY, NH and surrounding areas.

Sadhu Maharaja at Munger Raj Mandir on May 10, just to 2 days prior to leaving for the United States of Amercia
19th May
Please join us on Thursday May 19th for a Dhrupad,
Classical Kirtan and Pakhawaj solo evening, with Shyam Das,
and Pandit Mohan Shyam Sharma on the Pakhavaj, This will
be a rare event.
Address for event :
Martin Brading and Barbara Boris
21 Witchtree Rd
NY12498 ( 679 2625 )
22nd May
Please join us for our Spring Kirtan cruise on May 22th
along the beautiful Hudson River. The afternoon will include a potluck Mantralogy sail with Shyamdas, Steven Gorn, Sruiti Ram, Ishwari, Arundhati, Erhen and others. If you would like to join the cruise, please e-mail Shyamdas at to confirm your place on the boat.
24th May
Going to Miami from Albany.
25th May
Going to LIMA, PERU program till 15th June
15th June
Going to ECUADOR program till 22nd June
22nd June
Returning back to USA, MIAMI program till 26th June
27th June
Coming Back to ALBANY NY,
Programs will be held in Boston, NY, NH and surrounding
areas dates will be posted once its confirmed.
prema anandini · May 19, 2011 at 9:42 pm
dear ifsadhu maharaji,
please could u send me exact dates, WHEN – time etc u will arrive in Miami on 22 nd june and WHEN exactly u will leave miami on 26 nd june please!!????
please pray that i will get a very very cheap flight – and i would like to come for 4 days!!!!!
loving radharani pranams your little sister prema anandini
Nanda Kishor · May 24, 2011 at 10:22 am
Dear Prema Anandini, Please get in touch with Sadhu Maharaja’s son Raj Kumar at for the exact times. Radhe Radhe!